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Best Orthodontist in Vesu Surat
Pre & Post Surgical Orthodontics ( Orthodontics Surgery)

Orthodontics in combination with orthognathic surgery is a possibility today for correcting sagittal, vertical and transversal dysmorphosis. To do this, orthodontic preparation before surgery is necessary. In the sagittal plane, dental compensations should be removed. In the vertical plane, levelling of a severe mandibular SPEE curve should be accomplished postsurgically, and transverse coordination obtained. Orthodontic preparation is very specific to the type of dysmorphosis: class II malocclusion, class III malocclusion or in open bite. Postsurgical orthodontic treatment is used to finalize tooth alignment as in conventional orthodontics.

What are pretreatments? Pre-orthodontic treatments are dental procedures that patients may require before starting orthodontic treatment. After your consultation and diagnosis, your orthodontist will be in charge of indicating what treatments you'll need.

The teeth should be brushed AFTER EVERY MEAL. Avoid eating sweets between meals unless the teeth can be cleaned immediately thereafter. Gums should be massaged regularly. AVOID chewing ice, hard or sticky candy, gum, popcorn, and playing with or dislodging the appliances.